MT47H64M8SH, 25E: H sit genus synchronum dynamic temere-access memoriam (SDRAM) DOLO produci per micron technology. Hoc habet facultatem DXII megabytes (MB) et maximum horologium celeritate CC megahertz (MHZ). Et chip operates ad voltage of 2.5
MT47H64M8SH, 25E: H sit genus synchronum dynamic temere-access memoriam (SDRAM) DOLO produci per micron technology. Hoc habet facultatem DXII megabytes (MB) et maximum horologium celeritate CC megahertz (MHZ). Quod chip operates ad a voltage of 2.5 volts et disposito usus in variis computer, networking et industriae applications. Quod "E" in partem numero refertur ad extensum temperatus rhoncus -40 ad XCV gradus Celsius, idoneam usum in dura ambitus.
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